New Mexico farmers and ranchers are conservationists and work hard to protect our state’s precious natural resources.
For sixteen years, New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers have participated in a restoration initiative, Restore New Mexico, a program led by the New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts designed to address invasive species on range and woodlands in the state. This effort has received national recognition for its efforts.
Technological advances have helped reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation in agriculture.
Adoption of new irrigation methods on farms and ranches contributed to a nearly 21 percent decrease in the amount of water used for agriculture from 2010 to 2015.

Agriculture producers help conserve and care for public lands, including watershed restoration, wildlife habitat improvements, and rangeland management.
New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers participate in the state’s 47 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) which conserve and develop the natural resources of the state, provide for flood control, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of New Mexico.

New Mexico farmers and ranchers work tirelessly to care for their animals and provide habitat for 75 percent of our state's wildlife.
Healthy ecosystems and healthy animals are integral to the success of nearly all of New Mexico’s farms and ranches. Animal health, from area wildlife to farm animals and livestock, is taken seriously by farmers and ranchers.